The Three Most Common Leadership Issues of Executives

fruit on a tree

As I have worked with and coached hundreds of executives across dozens of organizations and executive teams, patterns have arisen. One set of patterns involves three common leadership issues that limit the effectiveness of executives and the organizations they lead and serve. In fact, just this week, I presented these three common leadership issues to […]

The Biggest Issue with Traditional Leadership: The Dark Side of Mind 2.0

devil boss

Adult development research indicates that there is a dominant type of leadership today. Specifically, this research reveals that 85% of leaders operate from a Mind 2.0 vertical altitude. When leaders operate from a Mind 2.0 vertical altitude, their bodies are internally wired to advance, stand out, and get ahead. Their primary motive is to hit […]

How to Get Leaders from Point A to Point B

To me, the first and most primary lesson of leadership is: To be an effective leader, we have to become someone others want to follow. Unfortunately, no leader or person is perfect. We all have room to become more of someone that others want to follow. Consider where you currently are or where the leaders […]

Elevating Your Dynamism as a Leader: An Instrument Analogy

symphony orchestra at sunset

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders right now is that over the last several years, complexity and tumultuousness have skyrocketed, exceeding leaders’ development and their own complexity and ability to navigate the tumultuous environment they are facing. I call this “The Leadership Deficit.” And, every organization that I have worked with a struggling with […]

Assessing and Elevating the Sophistication of Your Leadership Team

Investigating the Sophistication of Your Executive Team

In my experience of working with dozens of leadership teams, I have observed the following: Every leadership team operates at a different level of sophistication ranging from low to high Most (if not all) leadership teams believe that they are more sophisticated than they really are An organization’s growth and success are largely determined by […]

Do You Lead with Control or Do You Lead with Context?

On of the best leadership books that I have read is No Rules Rules by Reed Hoffman (Netflix CEO) and Erin Meyer. The book is about how Reed Hoffman has created a high-performance culture and organization (Note: the examples and figures in the post either come from or are inspired by No Rules Rules). In […]

An Undervalued Key to Effective Leadership: Possessing a Willingness for Reinvention

Fill in the blank: I want to be a successful/effective/loving ____________________. I imagine that your ‘blank’ was filled with “leader,” “spouse,” “parent,” “manager,” “employee,” “teacher,” or something similar. I want to propose an idea to you: Your ability to become truly successful/effective/loving is contingent on your willingness to reinvent yourself. I am not talking about […]

Going From Mind 2.0 to Mind 3.0

fog lifting

Over the next several weeks, I want to share examples of people I have worked or interacted with that are at different stages of their personal vertical development journeys.

The purpose of doing this is to help you:

Better see what vertical development looks and feels like
See the value of focusing on your vertical development
Be inspired, as I have been, by the courage of others who are letting go of who they have been and embracing an elevated version of themselves

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