The Breadth and Depth of Vertical Development Efforts and Activities

Young woman writing in her journal

Over the last two weeks, I have been asked one question at least three times. This question has followed my disclosure that I have been working with a therapist for two years as a part of my vertical development efforts. The question is, “How do you take someone from zero (almost a skepticism of therapy […]

The Four Practices Necessary for Vertical Development

zen businessman doing yoga meditation

What is Vertical Development? Vertical development is the process of upgrading our own internal operating system so that we operate in more cognitively and emotionally sophisticated ways. It is the process by which we become better. Vertical development is necessary for the improvement of the following characteristics, which I believe we should all aspire to: […]

An Undervalued Key to Effective Leadership: Possessing a Willingness for Reinvention

Fill in the blank: I want to be a successful/effective/loving ____________________. I imagine that your ‘blank’ was filled with “leader,” “spouse,” “parent,” “manager,” “employee,” “teacher,” or something similar. I want to propose an idea to you: Your ability to become truly successful/effective/loving is contingent on your willingness to reinvent yourself. I am not talking about […]

What Does an Elevated Leader Look Like?

grrowth persistent gardener

Elevated leaders are leaders who operate on a higher plane than most leaders. These leaders are positively transformational. In Good to Great, Jim Collins calls them “Level 5 Leaders.” In Multipliers, Liz Wiseman calls them just that: “Multipliers.” Often, the best leaders we can think of fall into this category. Historically, it is people Abraham […]

Investigating the Relationship between Mindsets and Mental States


One of my biggest learnings over the last year is that there is a connection between trauma and quality of mindsets. Our body’s natural response to trauma is to take on negative mindsets (fixed, closed, prevention, and inward mindsets) as a form of self-protection. And, as we heal from mindsets, we develop more positive mindsets, […]

Mindset Differences by Level in the Organizational Hierarchy

organizational hierarchy

I recently partnered with Aimpoint Research to investigate how mindsets might differ across different demographic profiles, including political affiliation, income level, gender, education level, generation, geographic region (in the United States). I am finding the results quite interesting. I am in the middle of several articles, I will be sharing related to this research. Here […]

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