How to Develop More of a Growth Mindset
If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading these two articles: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing a Growth Mindset They lay the groundwork for why we need to focus on developing more of a growth mindset. […]
Making the Unconscious Conscious
We are going to start this article with a BANG! Sit on this quote for a minute or two: “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”-Carl Jung Is your unconscious directing your life? Most likely, yes. But, the degree to which your unconscious is directing […]
Do You Approach Your Life & Work in the Most Optimal Way?
How do you approach performance situations? Think your work, parenting, and education (current or past schooling). People generally take one of three approaches: They attempt to avoid disapproval and negative judgments (Performance-Avoid Orientation) They attempt to outperform others operating in that space (Performance-Approach Orientation) They attempt to master whatever it is they are doing (Learning […]
What Mode Are You Living Life In: Protection or Creation?
More and more I am realizing that people operate in one of two modes: protection mode or creation mode. Which mode are you operating in? Protection Mode When someone is operating in protection mode, their primary desires and direction is fueled by a need to self-protect. Here are some typical protection mode desires: Pause here: […]
An Invitation to Transform: Engage in Deep Learning
Bob Quinn is a management professor at University of Michigan. He has devoted his life to studying change at both personal and organizational levels. He has written the best book on change that I have ever read: Deep Change. He recently published a new fantastic book call the Economics of Purpose. In this book, he […]
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Show Appreciation
The difference between recognition and appreciation can mean the difference between being a weak positive influence and a strong positive influence on those you lead.
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Improve the Lenses You Use to See the World
How we see the situations we encounter shape our ability to be a positive influence, someone that others want to follow.
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Know How to Build Trust
If we can better understand how we evaluate trustworthiness in others, we can do a better job of managing the trust that others have in us.
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Develop a Clear Self-Purpose
Of 110 people surveyed, 8% seemed to have a clear purpose for their life. It is only by having a clear self-purpose that we will be willing to: (1) put off what is best for ourselves for what is best for a higher cause, and (2) do what is right, not what is easy.
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Start with Rewiring Your Brain
If we have developed the wiring for a certain orientation, or if we rely upon one side of our prefrontal cortex, does that mean that we are stuck? No! We can rewire our brains to navigate life more effectively and become more of someone others want to follow.