Becoming a More Positive Influence: Investigate and Improve Your Why

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Your goal orientation plays a driving role in your effectiveness and success as a person, parent, employee, leader, etc. Thus, if you do want to be effective and successful, it is important to question your “why.” What goal orientation do you have? If you have anything but a mastery orientation you are surely putting a limit to how effective and successful you can be.

The Key to Solving Your Problems


The reality is that most of our problems deal with our thinking, learning, and/or behaviors. If that is the case, we need to reach into a deeper level for our solutions. That level is our mindsets.

To Become Mindful, You Must Know Your Mindsets

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Whenever I see leadership changes, I can’t help but think that what lied at the root of their inability to be more successful was themselves, and in particular their lack of mindfulness and lack of understanding of the mindsets that drive their non-conscious automatic processes.

Three Reasons Why You May Not Be Seeing Greater Success


Are you working your tail off to achieve certain goals or certain levels of success, but you do not feel like you are making any progress or that your efforts are not paying off? Do you feel like you are just spinning your wheels?

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