Watch Ryan’s latest Ted Talk:  How To Fix Leadership Development

Watch Ryan’s Latest Ted Talk

Elevate your
organization. leaders. mindsets.

Ryan helps leaders and organizations operate at a higher level through vertical development and elevated mindsets.

Trusted By Leading organizations globally

Ryan Gottfredson Client Experian
Ryan Gottfredson Client Ford
Ryan Gottfredson Client CVS
Ryan Gottfredson Client Nationwide
Ryan Gottfredson Client Deutsche Telekom
Ryan Gottfredson Client Federal Reserve

Join the community of practice

The Vertical Development Community of Practice is a learning group for people passionate about helping leaders and individuals elevate their leadership and impact primarily through a focus on vertical development.

What is vertical development?

What is vertical development? Why is it so important? What levels of vertical development are there? 

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Community of practice

The Vertical Development Community of Practice is a learning group for people passionate about helping leaders and individuals evaluate their leadership and impact primarily through a focus on vertical development.

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Investigating the sophistication of your executive team

Does your executive team have the sophistication to navigate the complexity of your organization’s marketplace?

Organizational Journey

Elevate my organization

75% of organizations state that their leadership development efforts are not very effective. Organizations cannot rise above the level of their leader’s vertical altitude.

Ryan can help you elevate your leaders to elevate your organizations.

Elevate myself

Most leaders are not as effective as they need to be. For example, 60% of employees say their direct leader damages their self-esteem.

Ryan can help you elevate your effectiveness as a leader via vertical development.

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Best selling author

Discover your current
altitude and elevate

The deeper we go in terms of our self-awareness, the higher we go in our vertical altitude and our ability to have a positive effect on the world around us.

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The Elevated Leader

The Elevated Leader

Vertical development is the wave of the future in leadership development. This book covers the concept with clarity and power. Discover just how vertically developed you are and how you can elevate in your altitude, positive influence, and effectiveness.

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Ryan presents a very compelling vision, strategy...

Alan Mulally - Former CEO of Boeing and Ford

“In our rapidly evolving world, elevated leadership service is needed more than ever to create working together environments with all the stakeholders to create value for all and the greater good. Ryan presents a very compelling vision, strategy, and plan to take our leadership to the next level of performance and service”.

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It’s a must read...

Jon Gordon - 13x best-selling author

“I often get asked how one can strengthen their “positivity muscles.” This book presents cutting-edge ideas from psychology and neuroscience to teach you how to do just that. It’s a must read if you want to learn how to lift yourself up so you can lift others up!”

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This book clearly explains how to upgrade...

Dr. Benjamin Hardy - author of Be Your Future Self Now

“Becoming our better future self requires upgrading our internal operating system, and this book clearly and powerfully explains how you can do that.”

Mask group

Success Mindsets

Only 2.5% of people are in the top quartile for the four sets of mindsets that I focus on. Discover the quality of your mindsets and how to improve them. 84% of readers have provided a 5-star review.

Life changer


The book will help change the trajectory of your life if you choose to apply it to your life. It opened my eyes to some blind spots and gave me the tools I need to overcome them. Must read!!!

Changing your mindset can unlock great potential


I first heard of Ryan Gottfredson when I was reading an article in a training magazine about leadership and mindsets. I immediately went to his website and took the mindset assessment that he created. I was really impressed with the custom report that I received that detailed how my responses measured up against others who had completed the assessment. If you plan to read this book, you should take the assessment first so that you can reflect as you read on the areas where you have the biggest opportunity to grow. What I learned is that the way I think today, impacts the decisions that I make and the way that I interact with other people both personally and professionally. What resonated the most with me is that it isn’t my personality or what I have or don’t have that prevents me from getting where I want to go: it’s how I perceive challenges, failures, and success. This is a great read with some engaging storytelling, and Gottfredson also shares some of his own humbling experiences that inspired him to build this powerful framework.

Powerful truth in this book

Jennifer Stinson

I want to buy a copy of this book for everyone in my office, not because I think they all have negative mindsets but because I believe this book empowers people to learn more about themselves and others.

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.