Rising Above Your Inner Child Archetypes

Inner Child Archetypes: Caretaker, Overachiever, Underachiever, Rescuer/Protector, Life of the Party, Yes-Person, Hero-Worshipper

As a consultant and coach, I help people upgrade their internal operating system (i.e., vertically develop) so that they can transformationally become better. In doing this work, I have learned that part of the process of upgrading our internal operating system includes: In saying this, let me acknowledge that everyone has room to vertically develop. […]

Understanding What Your Ego Is Can Help You Rise Above It

When the ego dies, the soul awakes.

I feel like ego is talked about a lot. Here are some quotes about our ego: I don’t know about you, but I feel like 10 different people can talk about our ego, and they all seem to define it or think about it differently. In other words, I am not sure I have had […]

The Number One Priority of the Most Elevated Leaders

Hastings, Mulally, Nadella, and Hainer

Knowing about the concept of vertical development, I have come to learn that leaders can operate from three different levels of cognitive and emotional sophistication: Recognizing that only 8% of leaders operate at the highest level of leadership, I have been on a mission to identify: Exemplars of Mind 3.0 leaders What Mind 3.0 leaders […]

New Version of My Mindset Assessment Results

left and right arrows

I am excited to announce that I have a new version of my mindset assessment results. If you want to take the mindset assessment to see the new results you can do so here: Personal Mindset Assessment. The changes are small but, I believe, quite significant. In the past, I have used the labels of […]

Getting In Touch with the Quality and Altitude of Your BEING Side

We have two different sides to ourselves. Our DOING Side We have a DOING Side, which represents our level of talent, knowledge, skills, and abilities. This represents how many apps you have downloaded on your computer. The more specialized your apps, the better you will be at accomplishing specific tasks. Most people are quite “in […]

How Mind 3.0 Leaders Actualize Transformational Change

two businesspeople working on a computer in an office

There are three modern business leaders that I have studied that: Are great examples of being Mind 3.0 (i.e., highly vertically developed) leaders that… Have actualized transformational change in the organizations they led. These leaders are: Alan Mulally (Ford) – see American Icon Ed Catmull (Disney Animation) – see Creativity, Inc. Satya Nadella (Microsoft) – […]

Do You Really Have a Growth Mindset?

man with mobile phone and expression of resignation

The reason why this article is titled, “Do You Really Have a Growth Mindset?” Is because almost everyone I ask believes that they have a growth mindset. But, Carol Dweck (the pioneer and primary researcher of growth mindsets) has indicated that approximately 50% of people have more of a growth mindset, while the other half […]

Mindset Research Findings


I have partnered with Aimpoint Research to investigate how mindsets might differ across different demographic profiles, including political affiliation, income level, gender, education level, generation, geographic region (in the United States). In this article, I am presenting the results of these findings. For context, our sample was designed to reflect the United States population at […]

Vertical Development & Life Fulfillment

feeling fulfilled at work

Do people at higher vertical development altitudes experience greater life fulfillment? That is a question that I partnered with Maurice Thibodeau to answer. Maurice is a the creator of a fantastic self-assessment called the Life Inventory Assessment, which is designed to help people gauge the degree to which they are fulfilled in their life across […]

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