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Vertical development is the key to transformational personal and leadership development. This article is designed to be a comprehensive, yet approachable, treatise on the topic.
And, the reality is that the better we can effectively regulate our physical and emotional needs, the more effectively we operate.
In this article, I want to help you gain clarity on what the three different stages of adult development are so that you can better
Organizations are increasingly recognizing that the complexity of the world their leaders are facing exceed their abilities to effectively navigate this complexity. The consequence of

The reality is: The success of our life, work, and leadership is largely determined by the quality and accuracy of our decisions. And,

Just being able to clearly identify specific mindsets is powerful because it gives us specific targets that we can confidently focus in on. Without such

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.