The Cognitive Science Behind Mindsets


What causes one person to see challenges as things to avoid, but another person to see those same challenges as opportunities to learn and grow? What causes one person to see others as objects, but another person to see those same people as people? Our mindsets! But why? To answer this question, we need to […]

The Problem with Overlooking Mindsets When Setting Organizational Strategy


In a prior post, I wrote about how leaders commonly see themselves as the hero, but all too often, they are actually the villain. I recently heard a great example of this. A couple weeks ago, I presented a workshop at a leadership development conference with a group of 70 bankers. I had just finished […]

Becoming a More Positive Influence: Create a Culture Committed to Greatness


Consider the following quote: (In fact, in the comments, let me know whether or not you agree with it and why.) For now, let’s take it at face value and assume that people and organizations are either committed to greatness, or by default, they are committed to mediocrity. Let’s apply this quote to your organization. […]

Becoming a More Positive influence: Be Intentional


Success rarely comes about by chance. It comes about because someone set a specific destination and made specific intentions about how to get there, and then took those steps. In other words, success comes about through intention, being deliberate with what we do. Effective leadership and being a positive influence comes about the same way. […]

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