Understanding What Your Ego Is Can Help You Rise Above It

When the ego dies, the soul awakes.

I feel like ego is talked about a lot. Here are some quotes about our ego: I don’t know about you, but I feel like 10 different people can talk about our ego, and they all seem to define it or think about it differently. In other words, I am not sure I have had […]

You Have a DOING Side AND a BEING Side

Satya Nadella

What do these people have in common: Bobby Knight, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, Shia LaBeouf,  Naomi Campbell, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Gordon Ramsay, and Tiger Woods? These are all people that are immensely talented, but have operated in a manner that reveals that they are perceived as having a flawed character. This similarity exposes an […]

Most Common Executive Struggles – Part 3


Research on vertical development has found that people can operate with different internal operating systems that vary in their cognitive and emotional sophistication.

Are You a Good Soldier, Progress Maker, or Value Creator?

relaxing and thinking

In this article, I want to help you gain clarity on what the three different stages of adult development are so that you can better assess where you are in your development journey and how you can level up from where you currently are.

How to Create Candor


Candor is a willingness in an organization to communicate in an unreserved, honest, sincere, and forthright way.

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