The Science Behind Shifting Your Mindsets

Neural Connections

A poor description of “mindsets” is that they are a “state of mind.” A better description of “mindsets” is that they are mental lenses that cause us to see the world in unique ways.” The most accurate description of “mindsets” is that they are neural connections that operate as our brain’s circuit board, directing how […]

How Do We Improve Mindsets?

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When I work with leaders to develop their leadership, I first: Because only 5% of people who take the personal mindset assessment are found to consistently operate with all four positive mindsets, one of the most frequently asked questions that I get is: How do I go about improving my mindsets? Cognitive Science Basics In […]

The 12 Fears that Bring Out the Worst in Our Leadership


Fear is the root of dysfunctional leadership. I hope by reading this, you have awakened more to that reality; which, in turn will help you: (1) become a more effective leader, and (2) abolish fear from your culture so that your leaders and employees can be at their best.

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