Leader: Your Calling Impacts Your Effectiveness

One of the most fundamental assumptions of leadership development work is that leaders operate at different levels of sophistication and effectiveness. Some operate a low levels, while others operate at high levels. If you are a leader, do you have clarity about what level you operate at? And, if you are someone who works with […]
Does Your Upbringing Influence Your Leadership: Connecting the Dots

Gallup states the following: “One in 10 people possess high talent to manage. Though many people have some of the necessary traits, few have the unique combination of talent needed to help a team achieve the kind of excellence that significantly improves a company’s performance. When these 10% are put in manager roles, they naturally […]
A Secret to Being an Elite Performer

Are you an elite performer at what you do? If you want to become an elite performer at what you do? You need to learn something that separates the elite performers from the non-elite performers. Consider the space of whatever it is that you do (e.g., leader, parent, student, HR professional, sales rep, etc.), what […]
Do You Think That Your Thinking is the Best Way to Think?

I am learning more and more that what is standing between where we are and the success we want to achieve is OURSELVES; and in particular, our thinking.
Do You Have Any of the Four Desires of Dysfunctional Leaders?

What is sad is that dysfunctional leaders are of the mindset that they are doing their best. They don’t realize that their largely subconscious desires cause them to be dysfunctional in their decision making and actions.
What Mindsets Drive Success?

The fact that very few of us can clearly identify mindsets that drive success is problematic. It is problematic because we have little clarity on what to focus on. And, even if we feel we do have clarity, how certain are you that what you have chosen to focus on is actually the best thing to focus on.
Becoming the Best Version of Yourself Requires a Focus on Your Mindsets

If we want our personal development efforts to be easier and more long-lasting, we have got to include our mindsets as part of our development process. In fact, we need to lead with our mindsets.
Leader Mindsets #2

If you do not have healthy mindsets, those around you know it, and they respond just as much to your mindsets as they do your behaviors. Stated differently, those you lead care more about who you are than what you do.
Leader Mindsets #1

The reality is that If we want to improve ourselves, our influence, and our effectiveness, that means that we need to change the lenses that we are using the view the world… We need to change our mindsets.