Understanding What Your Ego Is Can Help You Rise Above It

When the ego dies, the soul awakes.

I feel like ego is talked about a lot. Here are some quotes about our ego: I don’t know about you, but I feel like 10 different people can talk about our ego, and they all seem to define it or think about it differently. In other words, I am not sure I have had […]

Blind Spots: The Obstacles to Our Vertical Development

Portrait of businessman in grey suit, cover eyes and peeking through fingers with scared face.

I am hired by organizations to help their leaders and executives go from operating at one level to operating at a higher level. One of the biggest challenges that I face is that leaders or executives can see the value of operating at their current level and are quite ignorant about what it might look […]

Are You More of a Deteriorator or an Elevator?

Whether we realize it or not, our mindsets (the mental lenses that we use to view the world) are foundational to everything we do. For example, how do you typically react to constructive criticism? When I ask this to groups, most say that they get defensive (or some variation of that). But, there are some […]

From Book: Importance of an Open Mindset

Close Minded2 scaled

My book launch is a week away (5/5). To highlight the launch, I want to share portion of my book related to the importance of having an open mindset by sharing a powerful example of closed-mindedness. From Chapter 10: In the 1840s, hospitals in Vienna faced a mysterious, terrifying epidemic of childbed (puerperal) fever, which […]

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