The Three Most Common Causes of Leadership Failure in Companies

Across my experience working with leaders across all levels within an organization, there are three causes of leadership failure that pop up more than others. In this article, I want to share those causes with you. But, what I believe is most interesting about these three causes is that they all share the same root. […]

The Twelve Best Emotional Intelligence Books to Read This Year

If you are reading this, you are probably aware that emotional intelligence is a critical ability for not only effectively navigating life, but also being a positive influence on the world around us. Check out some of these statistics: 90% of top performers at work have high emotional intelligence (TalentSmartEQ). Emotional intelligence accounts for nearly […]

How Past Trauma Affects Leadership Quality

woman with a psychologist for therapy, trauma and mental health support

We want better leaders and we want to become better leaders. Unfortunately, commonly referenced statistics suggest that the majority of leaders are falling significantly below expectations. Improving our leadership and that of others should be a priority. In this series I am going to make a bold claim that I believe is key to transformationally […]

How Knowing about ADHD Helps Us Understand the Value of Vertical Development

businesswoman looking distracted at her desk

Recently, my daughter was diagnosed as having ADHD-I. As my wife and I have been learning about ADHD-I, my wife has been wondering whether she has ADHD-I. In my research, I have found that ADHD-I commonly goes undiagnosed, and this is particularly the case for adult women. ADHD-I is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder-inattentive. It is one of […]

The Difference Between Great and Bad Leaders is Smaller than I Thought

business men balance on seesaw

I want to share one of my biggest learnings that I have had over the last several months of doing deep vertical development work with a variety of executive teams. This work has involved doing 360’s and a coaching exercise that facilitates a deep introspective dive designed to help people uncover their subconscious fears, mental […]

The Four Practices Necessary for Vertical Development

zen businessman doing yoga meditation

What is Vertical Development? Vertical development is the process of upgrading our own internal operating system so that we operate in more cognitively and emotionally sophisticated ways. It is the process by which we become better. Vertical development is necessary for the improvement of the following characteristics, which I believe we should all aspire to: […]

Why Organizations Need Vertical Development

entrepreneur growth

Organizations are increasingly recognizing that the complexity of the world their leaders are facing exceed their abilities to effectively navigate this complexity. The consequence of this is that most leaders are operating at a leadership deficit, with consequences that include exhaustion, burnout, turnover, and poor decision making.

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