Stepping into Mind 3.0


Over the last several weeks, I have been sharing examples of people I have worked or interacted with that are at different stages of their personal vertical development journeys.

The purpose of doing this is to help you:

Better see what vertical development looks and feels like
See the value of focusing on your vertical development
Be inspired, as I have been, by the courage of others who are letting go of who they have been and embracing an elevated version of themselves

The Four (Justifiable) Fears That Limit Value Creation

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There is a difference between making progress and creating value. I think that organizations and their leaders and employees are often more focused on making progress than they are on creating value. Let me use a metaphor to articulate the difference between making progress and creating value. Making Progress vs Creating Value For this metaphor: […]

The Four Sets of Mindsets – Are Your Mindsets Self-Protecting or Empowering?

While there are many different mindsets that are “out there,” there are four sets of mindsets that have 30+ years of research backing, indicating that they foundationally shape how we think, learn, and behave. Each set contains a negative mindset and a positive mindset, each representing a pole along a continuum: In what follows, I will […]

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.