The Feedback Conundrum & What to Do About It

Feedback scaled

“For me, there is really only one big choice to make in life: Are you willing to fight to find out what’s true? Do you deeply believe that finding out what is true is essential to your well-being? Do you have a genuine need to find out if you or others are doing something wrong […]

The Four Sets of Mindsets – Are Your Mindsets Self-Protecting or Empowering?

While there are many different mindsets that are “out there,” there are four sets of mindsets that have 30+ years of research backing, indicating that they foundationally shape how we think, learn, and behave. Each set contains a negative mindset and a positive mindset, each representing a pole along a continuum: In what follows, I will […]

An Indicator for Identifying Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Self limiting beliefs

This seems simplistic, but it is reality: One of the things that I have learned is that when we have beliefs structured around an “either-or,” it is generally a signal that we are holding an incorrect belief that is limiting us. For example, what if you believe that you can have either money “or” happiness? […]

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