The 12 Fears that Bring Out the Worst in Our Leadership


Fear is the root of dysfunctional leadership. I hope by reading this, you have awakened more to that reality; which, in turn will help you: (1) become a more effective leader, and (2) abolish fear from your culture so that your leaders and employees can be at their best.

The 25 Benefits of Mindfulness According to Research

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Over 4,000 scholarly articles on mindfulness suggests that we should be taking it much more seriously. As a result, we are starting to see organizations such as Google, Aetna, mayo Clinic, and the U.S. Army adopt mindfulness training. This article identifies 25 clear benefits of mindfulness.

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.