Becoming a More Positive Influence: Show Appreciation

The difference between recognition and appreciation can mean the difference between being a weak positive influence and a strong positive influence on those you lead.
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Know How to Build Trust

If we can better understand how we evaluate trustworthiness in others, we can do a better job of managing the trust that others have in us.
Do You Need a Mental Success Coach?

Moral of the story: How we think matters! It matter to the success of organizations, leaders, teams, and employees.
The #1 Factor that Drives Top-Performing Teams & the Key to Developing It

Take a moment and consider: Is your work environment a psychologically safe environment? If you are a leader or manager, do your employees feel like they work in a psychologically safe environment?
Cognitive Dissonance: Why You May Be Preventing the Success You are Seeking

Many are unwilling to learn and become better because their egos prevent them from acknowledging that, although they were likely doing their best, their ignorance and prior actions have been less than ideal.
Assessing the Collective Mindsets of Your Organization, Department, or Team

You can assess the collective mindsets of your organization, department, and/or team. This blog post presents a copy of a report that I put together for an organization where we assessed their collective mindsets.