The Key to Solving Your Problems
The reality is that most of our problems deal with our thinking, learning, and/or behaviors. If that is the case, we need to reach into a deeper level for our solutions. That level is our mindsets.
Assessing the Collective Mindsets of Your Organization, Department, or Team
You can assess the collective mindsets of your organization, department, and/or team. This blog post presents a copy of a report that I put together for an organization where we assessed their collective mindsets.
To Become Mindful, You Must Know Your Mindsets
Whenever I see leadership changes, I can’t help but think that what lied at the root of their inability to be more successful was themselves, and in particular their lack of mindfulness and lack of understanding of the mindsets that drive their non-conscious automatic processes.
The 25 Benefits of Mindfulness According to Research
Over 4,000 scholarly articles on mindfulness suggests that we should be taking it much more seriously. As a result, we are starting to see organizations such as Google, Aetna, mayo Clinic, and the U.S. Army adopt mindfulness training. This article identifies 25 clear benefits of mindfulness.
The Difference between an Abundance Mindset and a Scarcity Mindset
An abundance mindset allows one to see their financial situation as something that can grow and expand. This mindset leads one to believe that the way to build wealth is to increase the size of the pie, even if it take increasing costs in order to do so.
Get Out of Inertia and Enhance Your Trajectory
Most people develop habits and most organizations develop policies to keep the train moving along in inertia. But here is the problem: as the external world changes, and as our habits and policies stay in inertia, our inertia takes us on the course of “slow death.” Over time, our habits and policies fail to meet the demands of our external environment.
Do You Have Any of the Four Desires of Dysfunctional Leaders?
What is sad is that dysfunctional leaders are of the mindset that they are doing their best. They don’t realize that their largely subconscious desires cause them to be dysfunctional in their decision making and actions.
Two Different Types of Change: Are You Allergic to Positive Change?
If we truly want to be extraordinary, we have got to seek out, embrace, and encourage positive change.
The Paradox of Our Time
he paradox of our time in history is that we … spend more but have less; we buy more but enjoy it less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgment; more experts but more problems; more medicine but less wellness.
The Five-Step Process to Develop Positive Qualities
The difference between the qualities that you have and the qualities that you want to possess is in how you see your world or, in other words, your mindsets. Thus, if you want to develop certain qualities that you do not yet have, it is essential that you change your mindsets.