Do You Approach Your Life & Work in the Most Optimal Way?


How do you approach performance situations? Think your work, parenting, and education (current or past schooling). People generally take one of three approaches: They attempt to avoid disapproval and negative judgments (Performance-Avoid Orientation) They attempt to outperform others operating in that space (Performance-Approach Orientation) They attempt to master whatever it is they are doing (Learning […]

Becoming a More Positive Influence: Investigate and Improve Your Why

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Your goal orientation plays a driving role in your effectiveness and success as a person, parent, employee, leader, etc. Thus, if you do want to be effective and successful, it is important to question your “why.” What goal orientation do you have? If you have anything but a mastery orientation you are surely putting a limit to how effective and successful you can be.

What Mindsets Drive Success?

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The fact that very few of us can clearly identify mindsets that drive success is problematic. It is problematic because we have little clarity on what to focus on. And, even if we feel we do have clarity, how certain are you that what you have chosen to focus on is actually the best thing to focus on.

Leader Mindsets #2

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If you do not have healthy mindsets, those around you know it, and they respond just as much to your mindsets as they do your behaviors. Stated differently, those you lead care more about who you are than what you do.

The Missing Ingredient in Leadership Performance: Mindsets

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Because mindsets are foundational to all we think about and do, whatever you know about mindsets, it probably is not enough. In all honesty, learning about mindsets has completely changed my life for the better. And, I want to share what I have learned with you so that you can improve your life.

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.