From Book: Importance of an Open Mindset

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My book launch is a week away (5/5). To highlight the launch, I want to share portion of my book related to the importance of having an open mindset by sharing a powerful example of closed-mindedness. From Chapter 10: In the 1840s, hospitals in Vienna faced a mysterious, terrifying epidemic of childbed (puerperal) fever, which […]

How to Develop More of an Open Mindset

Open Mindset

If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading these two articles: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing an Open Mindset These articles lay the groundwork for why we need to focus on developing more of an open […]

Get Out of Inertia and Enhance Your Trajectory

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Most people develop habits and most organizations develop policies to keep the train moving along in inertia. But here is the problem: as the external world changes, and as our habits and policies stay in inertia, our inertia takes us on the course of “slow death.” Over time, our habits and policies fail to meet the demands of our external environment.

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.