Vertical Development Example #4: Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek 1

Simon Sinek is a leadership guru that is almost a household name in the business world. This is largely because he has the third most viewed TED talk of all time and he is the author of five different business books (my favorite is The Infinite Game). What has allowed him to be so influential? […]

How to Develop More of an Outward Mindset


If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading these two articles: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing an Outward Mindset These articles lay the groundwork for why we need to focus on developing more of an outward […]

How to Develop More of a Promotion Mindset

Finish Line

If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading these two articles: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing a Promotion Mindset These articles lay the groundwork for why we need to focus on developing more of a promotion […]

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