What Leaders Should Focus on to Ensure Current and Future Success

TOTO (Today-Tomorrow) Matrix - Firefighting, Reinvention, Blind Idealism, Titanic Syndrome

This article is inspired by an incredibly thought-provoking idea that Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva delivered during a recent workshop I hosted for my followers. You can get the recording here: Why You Need to Reinvent Your Organization (and Yourself) Every Three Years. What do organizational leaders most commonly focus on? In my experience, most organizational leaders […]

An Undervalued Key to Effective Leadership: Possessing a Willingness for Reinvention

Fill in the blank: I want to be a successful/effective/loving ____________________. I imagine that your ‘blank’ was filled with “leader,” “spouse,” “parent,” “manager,” “employee,” “teacher,” or something similar. I want to propose an idea to you: Your ability to become truly successful/effective/loving is contingent on your willingness to reinvent yourself. I am not talking about […]

How Our Inward or Outward Mindset Affects Us

Squirrel Inward Outward

Mindsets are specific, recognizable, and repeatable orientations to our life’s experiences. They are specific, recognizable, and repeatable because they are strong neural connections in our brain that our brain primarily relies upon to make sense of and respond to our world. For example, when you are faced with any of the following situations, your mindsets […]

How Our Prevention or Promotion Mindset Affects Us

Prevention Promotion

Mindsets are specific, recognizable, and repeatable orientations to our life’s experiences. They are specific, recognizable, and repeatable because they are strong neural connections in our brain that our brain primarily relies upon to make sense of and respond to our world. For example, when you are faced with any of the following situations, your mindsets […]

A Secret to Being an Elite Performer

Cause Effect 2

Are you an elite performer at what you do? If you want to become an elite performer at what you do?  You need to learn something that separates the elite performers from the non-elite performers. Consider the space of whatever it is that you do (e.g., leader, parent, student, HR professional, sales rep, etc.), what […]

Story From Book: How a Fixed Mindset Limited My Success

Fixed Growth Mindset

The book launch for “Success Mindsets” is two weeks away. To highlight the launch, I want to share a personal story from my book about how having a fixed mindset limited my success. Then, at the end, I’ll add on something that I have learned since then that I wish I could go back and […]

What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success?


Each of us has our own unique set of mindsets that we rely upon to navigate our world. Our mindsets are our mental lenses that perform three primary functions, largely automatically and nonconsciously, in helping us navigate our world: Because our mindsets dictate how we see, interpret, and respond to our environments, they are foundational […]

How Do You Improve Your Mindsets?


Let me provide you with a really clear treatise on how you can improve your mindsets. First, what are your mindsets? At a basic level, our mindsets are the mental lenses that we wear that shape how we view the world. You see, when we encounter a situation, we are presented with thousands, if not […]

Are Mindsets a “Secret to Success?”

Secret to Success

I often hear people say that mindsets are the “secret to success.” I am not sure if I buy this. Not because I don’t think mindsets are important, but because I don’t think it is a “secret” that mindsets are foundational to our success. I think most people know and understand the importance of mindsets, […]

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