How Past Trauma Affects Leadership Quality
We want better leaders and we want to become better leaders. Unfortunately, commonly referenced statistics suggest that the majority of leaders are falling significantly below expectations. Improving our leadership and that of others should be a priority. In this series I am going to make a bold claim that I believe is key to transformationally […]
Recommendations for Bottom-Up Vertical Development Efforts
While we can engage in bottom-up efforts on our own, we will generally not get the full healing value from it without guidance and facilitation of a trained therapist.
Trauma & Leadership – Part 8 – Three Lessons Learned
Thus far in this series, I have communicated what trauma is (Part 1), how trauma affects our mind (Part 2), and how trauma inhibits leaders’ abilities to be emotionally intelligent (Part 3) and agile (Part 4). Knowing all of this, if we want to elevate our ability to be effective leaders, we need to heal […]
Trauma & Leadership – Part 6 – Top-Down Approach to Trauma Healing
Thus far in this series, I have communicated what trauma is (Part 1), how trauma affects our mind (Part 2), and how trauma inhibits leaders’ abilities to be emotionally intelligent (Part 3), and agile (Part 4). Knowing all of this, if we want to elevate our ability to be effective leaders, we need to heal […]