Are You a Good Soldier, Progress Maker, or Value Creator?

relaxing and thinking

In this article, I want to help you gain clarity on what the three different stages of adult development are so that you can better assess where you are in your development journey and how you can level up from where you currently are.

The Differences between People at Mind 1.0, Mind 2.0, and Mind 3.0

one two three

The table below is the result of a challenge that I have recently received from Alan Mulally and Lisa Anna Palmer to try to provide greater information that could help them communicate the differences between leaders and people who operate at the different mind levels.

Vertical Development & Hermit Crabs

hermit crab

Hermit crabs live in shells. As they grow, they need to move into bigger and bigger shells. The process of upgrading shells is called “molting.” The molting process takes 4-8 weeks and hermit crabs will molt every 12-18 months. Since hermit crabs can live for more than 30 years, this means that they can potentially molt 30 times in their lifespan.

Vertical Development – Mind 3.0

Mind 3.0

Vertical development is a form of development that focuses on upgrading one’s internal operating system (i.e., becoming better). It is all about enhancing one’s ability to make meaning in more cognitively and emotionally sophisticated ways.

Vertical Development – Mind 2.0

Mind 2.0

Vertical development is a form of development that focuses on upgrading one’s internal operating system (i.e., becoming better). It is all about enhancing one’s ability to make meaning in more cognitively and emotionally sophisticated ways.

Vertical Development – Mind 1.0

Mind 1.0

Vertical development is a form of development that focuses on upgrading one’s internal operating system (i.e., becoming better). It is all about enhancing one’s ability to make meaning in more cognitively and emotionally sophisticated ways.

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.