How to Get Leaders from Point A to Point B

To me, the first and most primary lesson of leadership is: To be an effective leader, we have to become someone others want to follow. Unfortunately, no leader or person is perfect. We all have room to become more of someone that others want to follow. Consider where you currently are or where the leaders […]

Blind Spots: The Obstacles to Our Vertical Development

Portrait of businessman in grey suit, cover eyes and peeking through fingers with scared face.

I am hired by organizations to help their leaders and executives go from operating at one level to operating at a higher level. One of the biggest challenges that I face is that leaders or executives can see the value of operating at their current level and are quite ignorant about what it might look […]

Elevating Your Dynamism as a Leader: An Instrument Analogy

symphony orchestra at sunset

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders right now is that over the last several years, complexity and tumultuousness have skyrocketed, exceeding leaders’ development and their own complexity and ability to navigate the tumultuous environment they are facing. I call this “The Leadership Deficit.” And, every organization that I have worked with a struggling with […]

The Breadth and Depth of Vertical Development Efforts and Activities

Young woman writing in her journal

Over the last two weeks, I have been asked one question at least three times. This question has followed my disclosure that I have been working with a therapist for two years as a part of my vertical development efforts. The question is, “How do you take someone from zero (almost a skepticism of therapy […]

The Four Practices Necessary for Vertical Development

zen businessman doing yoga meditation

What is Vertical Development? Vertical development is the process of upgrading our own internal operating system so that we operate in more cognitively and emotionally sophisticated ways. It is the process by which we become better. Vertical development is necessary for the improvement of the following characteristics, which I believe we should all aspire to: […]

Do You Lead with Control or Do You Lead with Context?

On of the best leadership books that I have read is No Rules Rules by Reed Hoffman (Netflix CEO) and Erin Meyer. The book is about how Reed Hoffman has created a high-performance culture and organization (Note: the examples and figures in the post either come from or are inspired by No Rules Rules). In […]

An Undervalued Key to Effective Leadership: Possessing a Willingness for Reinvention

Fill in the blank: I want to be a successful/effective/loving ____________________. I imagine that your ‘blank’ was filled with “leader,” “spouse,” “parent,” “manager,” “employee,” “teacher,” or something similar. I want to propose an idea to you: Your ability to become truly successful/effective/loving is contingent on your willingness to reinvent yourself. I am not talking about […]

Leader: You Think You Are Right, But You Are Probably Not as Right as You Think

rowing team paddles on the tranquil sea

There was a study of crew coaches (the rowing sport you have probably seen in the Olympics) that confirms several fundamental premises of vertical development: A leader’s vertical altitude dictates what they focus on and prioritize What feels right at one vertical altitude will feel wrong when we operate at a different vertical altitude Specifically, […]

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