Heat Experience: A Necessary Prerequisite to Vertical Development

Heat experiences are events or situations that cause one to question their current mental models and ways of thinking.
The Most Common Executive Struggles – Part 4

Let’s look at vulnerability through the lens of vertical development and how we “make meaning” of vulnerability.
What Does the Distribution of Vertical Development Look Like? And What Does that Mean for You?

I am going to show you three different distribution charts: Which chart do you think is the best representation of: Height in the population? Weight (in pounds) in the population? Wealth in the population? Chart C is a good representation of height in the population. Height carries a fairly normal distribution. Chart B is a […]
A Quick Indicator to Determine if You are an Effective Leader

I have a question for you that I believe is a quick indicator of whether or not you are an effective leader. Here it is: Do you believe that humility, vulnerability, and authenticity are essential for effective leadership? If you answer “yes” and lead using these traits, it is a strong signal that you are […]
The Leadership Case for Vulnerability

For most people, vulnerability is the antithesis of leadership. Many people see and expect leaders to be like sports cars: Look good Perform at high levels at all times Get where they are going fast Generally travel (progress) in a linear fashion Thus, no surprise, leaders feel the pressure to be like sports cars. But, […]
Becoming a More Positive Influence: Heal Thyself and Lead from Heart, not Hurt!

Learn what Brené Brown has to say about: 1. What prevents leaders from being more effective, 2. How it is critical for leaders to become more self-aware in order to become more effective, and 3. What is required of leaders to actually move the needle on their effectiveness.