An organization cannot operate above the level of its leaders’ vertical altitude. Ryan Gottfredson can help you transformationally elevate your leaders to take your organization to the next level.
These are customizable workshops series designed to help leaders vertically develop. Popular series include:
An overview of what vertical development is, why it is important, and how to go about vertically developing.
A deep dive in the four Success Mindsets: Growth, Open, Promotion, and Outward Mindsets
This series uses real case studies to highlight Mind 3.0 leaders and what they uniquely do to transform their organizations.
In this series, participants are taken on a deep introspective journey designed to craft a personal vertical development plan and ensure progress toward greater elevation.
The goal of any initial workshop is AWARENESS. We cannot vertically develop or upgrade our mindsets without getting clarity on where we currently are and where we need to go.
Most workshops come with a collective vertical development report and/or collective mindset report of the attendees in the workshop. This helps foster deep awareness and drive transformational conversations.
Helping leaders and employees elevate in their ability to have a positive impact within their spheres of responsibility.
In order for organizations to operate successfully into the future, they must develop the ability to change and transform. In order for agility to be present and transformation to occur, leaders and employees need to be change-ready (possess the right mindsets and be at the proper vertical altitude).
How do the best, most vertically-developed, leaders operate to elevate their teams and organization? Ryan walks leaders and managers through the foundational approaches the most effective and transformational leaders utilize in their leadership.
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