The Science Behind Shifting Your Mindsets

Ryan Gottfredson

by Ryan Gottfredson

Neural Connections

A poor description of “mindsets” is that they are a “state of mind.” A better description of “mindsets” is that they are mental lenses that cause us to see the world in unique ways.” The most accurate description of “mindsets” is that they are neural connections that operate as our brain’s circuit board, directing how we process and respond to information in unique ways.

Read these articles for more information:

Shifting Our Mindsets Means Shifting Our Mindset Neural Connections

Let me give you a simple example. We each have a neural connection in our brain that is prone to interpret risk as being bad. We also have a different neural connection that is prone to interpret risk as being a signal for growth and progress.

The neural connection that is stronger is going to be the one that we primarily filter information through when we encounter a risky situation or decision. This is because that stronger neural connection fires more rapidly and loudly.

So, if we want to shift our mindsets, we need to activate and strengthen our less-dominant mindset neural connection. As we do this over time, we will come to primarily rely upon the other mindset because it will be the one that now fires more rapidly and loudly.

Shifting Our Mindsets Is Easier Than You Think

It is a great thing that our brains are incredibly plastic, making this prospect of shifting your mindsets more doable than you might initially think.

An interesting research study demonstrates this.

The researchers split a large group of financial professionals in half. Half of these people watched a three-minute video about how stress is debilitating, and the other half watched a three-minute video about how stress is enhancing. This was an intervention designed to activate and strengthen different mindset neural connections.

Then, they tracked their engagement, performance, and blood pressure over the next two weeks.

They found that those who watched the stress-is-enhancing video had higher engagement, higher performance, and lower blood pressure.

One three-minute video shifting mindsets had effects on these professionals’ emotions, behaviors, and even their physiology.

Basic Process of Shifting Mindsets

Shifting our mindsets isn’t too different than learning how to count to 10 in a different language and becoming fluent in doing so.

Learning to count to 10 in a different language requires three steps:

  1. Have the motivation and believe it is possible
  2. Learn the words associated with the numbers
  3. Take 5-10 minutes a day to practice and in a matter of weeks, you will be fluent in counting to 10 in a different language.

The same process applies to mindsets.

  1. Have the Motivation and Believe it is Possible

The first step is recognizing that shifting your mindsets will help you more effectively navigate your world.

(For more on this: Do You See in 2-D or in 3-D?)

Then, you need to believe it is possible. Hopefully, the study described above helps you see that it is.

  1. Learn the Language of Mindsets

Next, we have got to put labels to mindsets and learn what they are. Without labels and a basic understanding of mindsets, we will be unable to introspect about our mindsets and the foundational role they are playing in our lives.

I have created the most comprehensive and research-backed mindset framework to date to help you learn the language of mindsets:

(Go here to learn more about each set: What Mindsets Drive Success?)

  1. Regularly Exercise Your Positive Mindset Neural Connections

Knowing the language of mindsets, you are now prepared to exercise and strengthen your positive mindset neural connections. Effectively, you need to hit the gym for your brain.

But, science suggests that all it takes is 5-20 minutes a day, and in the matter of weeks, you will have rewired your brain to process your world more effectively.

If you want to work out your mindset neural connections on a global level, there are three primary options:

  • High Octane Mindsets – 7-week online course designed to help you shift your mindsets to transform your life. It is the deepest, most-comprehensive, and research-backed mindset course ever created. It also comes with the Digital Mindset Coach.
  • Digital Mindset Coach – A micro-learning tool that invites you to spend 10 minutes every other day engaging in questions and exercises all designed to strengthen your positive mindset neural connections.
  • Meditation

But, if you want to work out specific mindset neural connections, there are five basic exercises for working out our mindsets. They are:

  • Deep learning
  • Videos
  • Writing exercises
  • Discussions
  • Self-talk

You can find vast mindset exercises and resources specific to each of the four success mindsets here:

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