Unlocking Greater Success in Your Life, Work, & Leadership

Ryan Gottfredson

by Ryan Gottfredson

Inmates Mindsets

What causes people to see the same thing or encounter the same situation and interpret so differently?

For example, consider the following terms and pictures:

Challenge & Failure

Do you see these things as things to avoid or as opportunities to learn and grow?


Do you see this as a threat or as an opportunity to learn and connect?


Do you see risk as something to avoid or a necessary part of obtaining great rewards?

What about this picture or a similar view on your local street corner?

When you see people like this do you think “get a job,” or do you think that they are doing their best and subsequently “what has happened in their life that has led them to believe that living on the streets and asking for money is the best way to live?”

These are summarized in the table below:

Who is going to be more successful in their life, their work, and their leadership? Person A or Person B.

It seems pretty clear that it is Person B.

Going back to our original question: What causes people to see the same thing or encounter the same situation and interpret so differently?

The difference is one’s mindsets. The reality is that the lenses we use to view the world largely determines the success we have in our life, work, and leadership.

To help you harness your mindsets for greater success, I have identified four mindsets that have been repeatedly found to drive success, and over the last two months I have written blog posts to help you in harnessing each mindset, they are below. If you haven’t had a chance to read any of these, here is some time to catch up:

Which of these articles did you like best and why? Comment below.

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