Unlocking Greater Success in Your Life, Work, & Leadership

Inmates Mindsets

What causes people to see the same thing or encounter the same situation and interpret so differently? The difference is one’s mindsets. The reality is that the lenses we use to view the world largely determines the success we have in our life, work, and leadership.

Leader Mindsets #2

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If you do not have healthy mindsets, those around you know it, and they respond just as much to your mindsets as they do your behaviors. Stated differently, those you lead care more about who you are than what you do.

Leader Mindsets #1

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The reality is that If we want to improve ourselves, our influence, and our effectiveness, that means that we need to change the lenses that we are using the view the world… We need to change our mindsets.

The Missing Ingredient in Leadership Performance: Mindsets

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Because mindsets are foundational to all we think about and do, whatever you know about mindsets, it probably is not enough. In all honesty, learning about mindsets has completely changed my life for the better. And, I want to share what I have learned with you so that you can improve your life.

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