How to be a ‘Leader of the Future’ Now
Organizations are evolving at ever-accelerating rates. They have to, if they want to survive amongst increasing competition, rapidly changing customer interests and needs, and increasingly shorter product life-cycles. Recognizing this, leaders and aspiring leaders should ask themselves: We can’t deny that leaders are facing increasingly diverse demands that are challenging their breadth of knowledge and […]
Is Your Organization Primed for Future Success?
From about 2000 until 2013, Microsoft’s market capitalization hung around 200 billion and its stock price hovered around $26 per share. While a market capitalization of 200 billion is nothing to bat an eye at, Microsoft’s stagnation meant that they were losing ground to their competitors. Near the turn of 2014, it is safe to […]
The Problem with Overlooking Mindsets When Setting Organizational Strategy
In a prior post, I wrote about how leaders commonly see themselves as the hero, but all too often, they are actually the villain. I recently heard a great example of this. A couple weeks ago, I presented a workshop at a leadership development conference with a group of 70 bankers. I had just finished […]