The Most Vertically Developed People Question Their Beliefs & Metaphors
I have recently learned something about myself. It is not easy for me to outwardly express sincere appreciation for others. To me, it feels really vulnerable. In fact, it doesn’t feel good to me.
Making the Unconscious Conscious
We are going to start this article with a BANG! Sit on this quote for a minute or two: “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”-Carl Jung Is your unconscious directing your life? Most likely, yes. But, the degree to which your unconscious is directing […]
Six Ways to Strengthen Your Mindfulness Muscles
I also find it helpful to think of mindfulness as a muscle. One of the things that you may have realized during the initial exercises is just how quickly our minds want to race off to other places. If our minds are really quick to race off, it suggest that our mindfulness muscles are weak.