What is Mindfulness and What are its Primary Benefits?

Mindfulness is a game-changer that we need to take much more seriously because it enhances our ability to navigate our moments, days, and life more effectively.
The Difference between an Abundance Mindset and a Scarcity Mindset

An abundance mindset allows one to see their financial situation as something that can grow and expand. This mindset leads one to believe that the way to build wealth is to increase the size of the pie, even if it take increasing costs in order to do so.
Three Reasons Why You May Not Be Seeing Greater Success

Are you working your tail off to achieve certain goals or certain levels of success, but you do not feel like you are making any progress or that your efforts are not paying off? Do you feel like you are just spinning your wheels?
Get Out of Inertia and Enhance Your Trajectory

Most people develop habits and most organizations develop policies to keep the train moving along in inertia. But here is the problem: as the external world changes, and as our habits and policies stay in inertia, our inertia takes us on the course of “slow death.” Over time, our habits and policies fail to meet the demands of our external environment.
Do You Think That Your Thinking is the Best Way to Think?

I am learning more and more that what is standing between where we are and the success we want to achieve is OURSELVES; and in particular, our thinking.
Unlocking Greater Success in Your Life, Work, & Leadership

What causes people to see the same thing or encounter the same situation and interpret so differently? The difference is one’s mindsets. The reality is that the lenses we use to view the world largely determines the success we have in our life, work, and leadership.
Becoming the Best Version of Yourself Requires a Focus on Your Mindsets

If we want our personal development efforts to be easier and more long-lasting, we have got to include our mindsets as part of our development process. In fact, we need to lead with our mindsets.
The Power of Mindsets

Mindsets are incredibly powerful. They drive our thinking, learning, behavior, and even our physiology.
Want to Improve Your Life? Improve Your Mindsets!

If you want to improve your life—to get from where you are currently at to where you want to be—it is going to be necessary to (1) become conscious of your mindsets, and (2) improve your mindsets.