How Do You Elevate Your Leadership through Vertical Development?

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71% of organizations do not feel their leaders are able to lead their organization into the future Why is this? It is because organizations do not feel like their leaders are vertically developed enough to navigate the complexities of leadership in an uncertain and ever-changing marketplace. There are two forms of leadership development: horizontal development […]

What Prevents Us From Developing Vertically

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Last week, I suggested that most leadership development programs focus on horizontal development, but very few focus on vertical development. Horizontal development involves helping leaders add more knowledge, skills, and competencies. This is like adding an app onto an iPad. It increases the breadth of its operation. But, it doesn’t necessarily improve the operating power […]

You Can’t Change Others, But…

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Last week, I wrote an article entitled “Leader: You Need to Lose Weight” where I compared to working with leaders to change their mindsets to telling them that they need to lose weight. Recognizing that inviting transformation (whether mindsets or weight) is rather difficult to do effectively, I invited input from my readers on how […]

Study of 153 Organizations’ Leadership Development Efforts and Effectiveness

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I recently surveyed 153 organizations to determine the focus and quality of their current leadership development efforts and effectiveness. The individuals that responded to this survey are all involved in their organization’s leadership development efforts, with the majority of them being in the human resources function. And, the organizations range from small to giant with […]

The Prevalence of and Solution to “Command and Control” Leadership

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“Command and control” leadership is one of the worst forms of leadership, but it is also the most common. In this article, I want to discuss why “command and control” leadership is so prevalent and what you can do about it as an individual leader or as an organization. Fortune 50 Case Study I recently […]

Mindsets: The Key to Effective Leadership Development

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State of Leadership Development 75% of employees report their boss is the worst and most stressful part of their job. And, despite the fact that organizations worldwide spend rough $356 billion on leadership development efforts, only 25% of organizations rated their leadership development programs as effective. In an effort to understand why leaders aren’t having […]

How to Develop More of a Growth Mindset

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If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading these two articles: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing a Growth Mindset They lay the groundwork for why we need to focus on developing more of a growth mindset. […]

Leadership Development: Are You Focused on Leading or Lagging Indicators?


“What do you focus on?” This is a broad and vague question with HUGE implications. Think about your education. When you were in school, what did you focus on? Probably grades. Think about your job. What do you focus on? Likely whatever you are measured against (e.g., sales, revenues, profits, articles written). Think about when […]

Mindsets: The Key to Leader Transformation

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Riley and Jordan are two regional leaders for a large bank who have just flown into Chicago for their organization’s annual meeting, which includes a variety of leadership development trainings. In the days leading up to the training, both Riley and Jordan were encouraged to take a short personal mindset assessment. Riley’s results were largely […]

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