A Quick Indicator to Determine if You are an Effective Leader


I have a question for you that I believe is a quick indicator of whether or not you are an effective leader. Here it is: Do you believe that humility, vulnerability, and authenticity are essential for effective leadership? If you answer “yes” and lead using these traits, it is a strong signal that you are […]

The Leadership Case for Vulnerability

Vulnerability Connection

For most people, vulnerability is the antithesis of leadership. Many people see and expect leaders to be like sports cars: Look good Perform at high levels at all times Get where they are going fast Generally travel (progress) in a linear fashion Thus, no surprise, leaders feel the pressure to be like sports cars. But, […]

Mindsets Eat Strategy for Breakfast

Mindsets Eat Strategy3

You have probably heard the phrase “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” I think a more accurate statement is usually “mindsets eat strategy for breakfast.” Mindsets shape how leaders and employees see and interpret their world, which is what leads to a specific culture, or typical pattern of thinking and behaving within groups. If an organization […]

Have You Transformed?


Have you ever noticed that there are some people and leaders who stand out from others in a positive way? They seem to operate on a different, higher plane. It isn’t always easy to put your finger on what makes them different, but for whatever reason, they seem exceptionally productive, overly generous, and an overall […]

What Leadership Thought Leaders Have Gotten Wrong (for Centuries)

Wrong Leader

If you are not aware, leadership statistics are bleak. Are these statistics the result of a lack of effort by leaders or those who develop them? I don’t think so. I think it is because leadership thought leaders have taken a systematic approach to leadership that is fundamentally flawed. From the time of the ancient […]

The Problem with Overlooking Mindsets When Setting Organizational Strategy


In a prior post, I wrote about how leaders commonly see themselves as the hero, but all too often, they are actually the villain. I recently heard a great example of this. A couple weeks ago, I presented a workshop at a leadership development conference with a group of 70 bankers. I had just finished […]

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