Can You Quantify the Value of a Perspective Shift?

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When you look back on your life, can you identify instances in which your perspective significantly shifted? It is my guess that these instances were inflection points that altered your trajectory, and they could be for either the positive or the negative. For now, let’s focus on the positive shifts. Can you quantify the value […]

You Can’t Change Others, But…

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Last week, I wrote an article entitled “Leader: You Need to Lose Weight” where I compared to working with leaders to change their mindsets to telling them that they need to lose weight. Recognizing that inviting transformation (whether mindsets or weight) is rather difficult to do effectively, I invited input from my readers on how […]

Leader: You Need to Lose Weight

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Imagine going to an executive team and telling them that they all need to lose weight. How do you think they are going to respond to that? Now, of course, you are going to do this is the most tactful way possible. You are going to explain all of the benefits of eating healthy, exercising, […]

Organizational Change: What Executives Commonly Get Wrong

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Now, more than ever (primarily because of the pandemic), organizational executives are clamoring for change within their organizations. Most commonly, I am hearing executives saying that they need to become more agile. This is great! But, let us stop and ask ourselves, what does organizational change require? What Organizational Change Requires There are two books […]

Are You More of a Deteriorator or an Elevator?

Whether we realize it or not, our mindsets (the mental lenses that we use to view the world) are foundational to everything we do. For example, how do you typically react to constructive criticism? When I ask this to groups, most say that they get defensive (or some variation of that). But, there are some […]

The Four Sets of Mindsets – Are Your Mindsets Self-Protecting or Empowering?

While there are many different mindsets that are “out there,” there are four sets of mindsets that have 30+ years of research backing, indicating that they foundationally shape how we think, learn, and behave. Each set contains a negative mindset and a positive mindset, each representing a pole along a continuum: In what follows, I will […]

The Two Keys to Improving Your Mindsets

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Because of the foundational role your mindsets play in how you live your life, improving your mindsets is life-transforming. It has been for me. I focus on four sets of mindsets that range from negative to positive. Before I knew anything about mindsets, I used to be on the negative side of each of the […]

Rewiring to Develop Positive Mindsets: Integrating the Mind

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This is the final article in a four-part series. In the first article, I explained that our mindsets are long-range neural connections in the brain that connect the three different brain regions. They effectively serve as the circuit board for our mind. In the second article, I explained that when someone has negative mindsets, it […]

Trauma: Its Effects on Our Life and Our Mindsets

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In last week’s blog post (What Causes People to Possess Negative Mindsets?), I discussed how when we have negative mindsets, it is a signal that the wiring in our brain (particularly the wiring between our three major brain regions) is not properly integrated. Our negative mindsets and this lack of integration generally comes about because […]

What Causes People to Possess Negative Mindsets?

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Last week, I wrote an article about the neuroscience of mindsets, which suggested that our mindsets are long-range neural connections that serve as our brain’s circuit board, connecting our three primary brain regions: basal ganglia (reptilian brain), limbic system (mammalian brain), and neocortex (human brain). See the neon green lines. Ideal Situation In an ideal […]

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