Get Unstuck & Live More Aligned with Your Dreams

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Take a moment and ask yourself this question: “Where in my life do I feel stuck?” Is this a source of anxiety for you? If so, I want to help you get unstuck. Discovery Calls A couple of months ago, I launched my online course: High Octane Mindsets. Prior to joining the course, I have […]

Does Your Upbringing Influence Your Leadership: Connecting the Dots

Upbringing to Leadership

Gallup states the following: “One in 10 people possess high talent to manage. Though many people have some of the necessary traits, few have the unique combination of talent needed to help a team achieve the kind of excellence that significantly improves a company’s performance. When these 10% are put in manager roles, they naturally […]

The Overlooked Secret to Effective Organizational Change

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Do you know an organization that isn’t going through some form of disruption or significant change? Here are a couple of current realities: Covid-19 is forcing almost all organizations to have to be agile and to change Covid-19 aside, the need for deep organizational change is rapidly increasing in frequency because of (1) increased competition, […]

The Prevalence of and Solution to “Command and Control” Leadership

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“Command and control” leadership is one of the worst forms of leadership, but it is also the most common. In this article, I want to discuss why “command and control” leadership is so prevalent and what you can do about it as an individual leader or as an organization. Fortune 50 Case Study I recently […]

The Science Behind Shifting Your Mindsets

Neural Connections

A poor description of “mindsets” is that they are a “state of mind.” A better description of “mindsets” is that they are mental lenses that cause us to see the world in unique ways.” The most accurate description of “mindsets” is that they are neural connections that operate as our brain’s circuit board, directing how […]

The 3 Foundational Jobs of Mindsets

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To many, mindsets are a fluffy concept dealing with our state of mind. While few would say that mindsets are unimportant, the reality is that few people take mindsets as seriously as they should. The reason why we should take mindsets more seriously is because they are truly foundational to everything we do. This becomes […]

Do You See in 2-D or in 3-D?

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Imagine that we live in a world where almost everyone sees in 2-D, yet a few see in 3-D. But, there is a possibility for people who see in 2-D to see in 3-D. Who is going to think and operate more effectively? In such a world, can you imagine that those who see in […]

High Octane Mindsets – Online Course

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Do you feel stuck? Like you are on a hamster wheel, giving incredible effort, but yet not making any significant progress toward your goals and dreams? Or simply, do you just feel like there is more to life than you are currently living? I have been both places! And, when I was there, I blamed […]

A Secret to Being an Elite Performer

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Are you an elite performer at what you do? If you want to become an elite performer at what you do?  You need to learn something that separates the elite performers from the non-elite performers. Consider the space of whatever it is that you do (e.g., leader, parent, student, HR professional, sales rep, etc.), what […]

Dynamic Foundation: The Key to Being Agile and Future-Proof


Do you have a stable foundation or a dynamic foundation? I think the answer has huge implications for our ability to survive and navigate crises. In other words, it has huge implications for our ability to be agile and future-proof. What is the purpose of a foundation? It is to hold up and hold together […]

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.