Mindset Research Findings


I have partnered with Aimpoint Research to investigate how mindsets might differ across different demographic profiles, including political affiliation, income level, gender, education level, generation, geographic region (in the United States). In this article, I am presenting the results of these findings. For context, our sample was designed to reflect the United States population at […]

Going From Mind 2.0 to Mind 3.0

fog lifting

Over the next several weeks, I want to share examples of people I have worked or interacted with that are at different stages of their personal vertical development journeys.

The purpose of doing this is to help you:

Better see what vertical development looks and feels like
See the value of focusing on your vertical development
Be inspired, as I have been, by the courage of others who are letting go of who they have been and embracing an elevated version of themselves

Stuck in Mind 2.0


Over the next several weeks, I want to share examples of people I have worked or interacted with that are at different stages of their personal vertical development journeys.

The purpose of doing this is to help you:

Better see what vertical development looks and feels like
See the value of focusing on your vertical development
Be inspired, as I have been, by the courage of others who are letting go of who they have been and embracing an elevated version of themselves

What Does an Elevated Leader Look Like?

grrowth persistent gardener

Elevated leaders are leaders who operate on a higher plane than most leaders. These leaders are positively transformational. In Good to Great, Jim Collins calls them “Level 5 Leaders.” In Multipliers, Liz Wiseman calls them just that: “Multipliers.” Often, the best leaders we can think of fall into this category. Historically, it is people Abraham […]

Do Our Mindsets Change as We Age?


What do you think: Do you think that individuals’ mindsets change by age? If so, what does that relationship look like? Do you think they generally grow more positive or negative as people get older? Questions like this are some of my most frequently asked questions, and I think, most of the time, those asking […]

From Book: My Shift From a Prevention Mindset to a Promotion Mindset

Shifting Mindsets scaled

My book, Success Mindsets, is officially available in print (click here to get it at your favorite retailer). To highlight the launch of the book, I have been sharing portions of my book. This week I share a section about how I shifted my mindset from a prevention mindset to a promotion mindset. Chapter 16 […]

Agility Quotient

agility athlete balance ballerina preview

(Cover image credit: Ryderwear – https://www.ryderwear.com/collections/womens-leggings/) You have heard of intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ), but have you heard of agility quotient (AQ). Ok, so agility quotient hasn’t been rigorously studied like IQ or EQ, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have important practical implications. Agility quotient is one’s ability or capacity to […]

How to Develop More of a Promotion Mindset

Finish Line

If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading these two articles: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing a Promotion Mindset These articles lay the groundwork for why we need to focus on developing more of a promotion […]

Research-Backed Benefits of Possessing a Promotion Mindset


If you feel like a mindset novice, before reading this article, you might find value in reading this article: What are Mindsets & Why are They Foundational to Our Success? It lays the groundwork for why I am focusing on and summarizing the benefits of a promotion mindset. Prevention and Promotion Mindsets We possess a […]

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