What is a Gritty Mindset? And How Do You Develop One?

Angela Duckworth popularized the term, “Grit,” in her best-selling book: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. In this book, she presents a compelling case for a couple of powerful main ideas: Grit is a mindset (not an ability) Grit matters more than talent. Naturally, a statement like this leads to two questions: What is […]

Identifying and Dealing with Toxic Leaders

In my experience working with organizations, I have seen my fair share of toxic leaders. And, I commonly get asked these questions by HR personnel and employees in the organization: What can be done to proactively identify, prevent, and/or deal with toxic leaders (such as narcissists and bullies) who ascend and are kept on because […]

The Four Cornerstones of an Effective Leadership Foundation

4 pillars

In my experience studying vertically developed (Mind 3.0) leaders, I have found that they prioritize establishing a strong leadership foundation to build off of. In this article, I want to identify four key elements of this foundation. Based on my experience working with executive teams, I have learned and observed the following: The Four Key […]

Mindset Research Findings


I have partnered with Aimpoint Research to investigate how mindsets might differ across different demographic profiles, including political affiliation, income level, gender, education level, generation, geographic region (in the United States). In this article, I am presenting the results of these findings. For context, our sample was designed to reflect the United States population at […]

Going From Mind 2.0 to Mind 3.0

fog lifting

Over the next several weeks, I want to share examples of people I have worked or interacted with that are at different stages of their personal vertical development journeys.

The purpose of doing this is to help you:

Better see what vertical development looks and feels like
See the value of focusing on your vertical development
Be inspired, as I have been, by the courage of others who are letting go of who they have been and embracing an elevated version of themselves

Stuck in Mind 2.0


Over the next several weeks, I want to share examples of people I have worked or interacted with that are at different stages of their personal vertical development journeys.

The purpose of doing this is to help you:

Better see what vertical development looks and feels like
See the value of focusing on your vertical development
Be inspired, as I have been, by the courage of others who are letting go of who they have been and embracing an elevated version of themselves

What Does an Elevated Leader Look Like?

grrowth persistent gardener

Elevated leaders are leaders who operate on a higher plane than most leaders. These leaders are positively transformational. In Good to Great, Jim Collins calls them “Level 5 Leaders.” In Multipliers, Liz Wiseman calls them just that: “Multipliers.” Often, the best leaders we can think of fall into this category. Historically, it is people Abraham […]

Do Our Mindsets Change as We Age?


What do you think: Do you think that individuals’ mindsets change by age? If so, what does that relationship look like? Do you think they generally grow more positive or negative as people get older? Questions like this are some of my most frequently asked questions, and I think, most of the time, those asking […]

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Subscribe to Vertical Development Weekly Get weekly insights on vertical development and mindset mastery. Sign up now and receive my top five articles to jumpstart your leadership growth.