Why Do Organizations Miss the Mark when Developing Their Leaders?
Thus, if organizations want to more effectively develop their leaders, they need to focus on the three foundational elements of self-leadership: self-awareness, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence.
Personal & Leadership Development: Why Focus on Mindsets and Not Behaviors?
Rather than focusing on lists that tell us how we should act or behave, a much better approach when improving ourselves and our leadership is to focus on our mindsets.
Do You Need a Mental Success Coach?
Moral of the story: How we think matters! It matter to the success of organizations, leaders, teams, and employees.
Are You Guilty of Justified Blind Spots? What Can You Do About Them
The reality is that each of us, in our own ways, are engaging in fully justified thinking and actions that are ultimately limiting our experience, effectiveness, and performance.
The #1 Factor that Drives Top-Performing Teams & the Key to Developing It
Take a moment and consider: Is your work environment a psychologically safe environment? If you are a leader or manager, do your employees feel like they work in a psychologically safe environment?
Cognitive Dissonance: Why You May Be Preventing the Success You are Seeking
Many are unwilling to learn and become better because their egos prevent them from acknowledging that, although they were likely doing their best, their ignorance and prior actions have been less than ideal.
To Become Mindful, You Must Know Your Mindsets
Whenever I see leadership changes, I can’t help but think that what lied at the root of their inability to be more successful was themselves, and in particular their lack of mindfulness and lack of understanding of the mindsets that drive their non-conscious automatic processes.
The 25 Benefits of Mindfulness According to Research
Over 4,000 scholarly articles on mindfulness suggests that we should be taking it much more seriously. As a result, we are starting to see organizations such as Google, Aetna, mayo Clinic, and the U.S. Army adopt mindfulness training. This article identifies 25 clear benefits of mindfulness.
What is Mindfulness and What are its Primary Benefits?
Mindfulness is a game-changer that we need to take much more seriously because it enhances our ability to navigate our moments, days, and life more effectively.
The Difference between an Abundance Mindset and a Scarcity Mindset
An abundance mindset allows one to see their financial situation as something that can grow and expand. This mindset leads one to believe that the way to build wealth is to increase the size of the pie, even if it take increasing costs in order to do so.