The Different Types of Complexity Leaders Need: Emotional Complexity

Eggs with painted faces

In order for leaders to effectively navigate complex situations, they need to become complex beings. In my academic research, I have come to learn that there are different forms of complexity. There is moral complexity, behavioral complexity, emotional complexity, cognitive complexity, and leader complexity. I am in the middle of diving into these different forms […]

The Different Types of Complexity Leaders Need: Behavioral Complexity


In order for leaders to effectively navigate complex situations, they need to become complex beings. In my academic research, I have come to learn that there are different forms of complexity. There is moral complexity, behavioral complexity, emotional complexity, cognitive complexity, and leader complexity. This week, I will focus on behavioral complexity. Regardless of the […]

The Different Types of Complexity Leaders Need: Moral Complexity

Businessman walking carefully

In order for leaders to effectively navigate complex situations, they need to become complex beings. In my academic research, I have come to learn that there are different forms of complexity. There is moral complexity, emotional complexity, behavioral complexity, and leader complexity. Starting this week, I will be diving into these different forms of complexity. […]

Doing The Work of Vertical Development

businesswoman drawing on virtual screen

In this video, The Four Benchmarks to Gauge the Vertical Altitude of Leaders and Executives, I discuss: How I have coached over 200 leaders to help them vertically development, and Roughly 80% of them never “do the work” of vertical development At a high level, my coaching process involves: Helping leaders understand what vertical development […]

To What Degree Do You Know Your Ego Driver?

brick wall under spotlight

In my last article, “We Each Have an Ego Driver,” I suggested: We each have an Ego Driver connected to our quick-thinking brain that is prone to direct our thinking and behaviors For most people, our Ego Driver operates below the level of our consciousness (most people don’t know they have an Ego Driver and […]

We Each Have an Ego Driver

Woman thinking

Through my learning about vertical development and my own vertical development journey, I have come to see, learn, and appreciate that everyone has an “Ego Driver,” sometimes referred to as our “shadow self.” In this article, I want to share some things that I have learned about our Ego Driver. In the next article, I […]

How to Get Leaders from Point A to Point B

To me, the first and most primary lesson of leadership is: To be an effective leader, we have to become someone others want to follow. Unfortunately, no leader or person is perfect. We all have room to become more of someone that others want to follow. Consider where you currently are or where the leaders […]

Blind Spots: The Obstacles to Our Vertical Development

Portrait of businessman in grey suit, cover eyes and peeking through fingers with scared face.

I am hired by organizations to help their leaders and executives go from operating at one level to operating at a higher level. One of the biggest challenges that I face is that leaders or executives can see the value of operating at their current level and are quite ignorant about what it might look […]

Elevating Your Dynamism as a Leader: An Instrument Analogy

symphony orchestra at sunset

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders right now is that over the last several years, complexity and tumultuousness have skyrocketed, exceeding leaders’ development and their own complexity and ability to navigate the tumultuous environment they are facing. I call this “The Leadership Deficit.” And, every organization that I have worked with a struggling with […]

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