The Climb: A Development Program to Elevate Your Life and Leadership

Ryan Gottfredson

by Ryan Gottfredson

This summer, I co-led a personal/leadership development program called, The Climb, designed to help people and leaders elevate their life and leadership so that they operate at a transformationally higher level.

My co-leaders were Chris Spear (Climb Leader and small business coach) and Susan Spear (Nutritionist).

The Climb was structured to help people vertically develop physically, cognitively, and emotionally, and it culminated in climbing a 14er in Colorado: Missouri Mountain. We leveraged the experience of climbing a mountain literally and figuratively to learn and engage in our own vertical development journeys. And, I believe we all came back from the experience, and the program as a whole, as different and more elevated people.

We had 11 finish the program, and we met last week to have a “Return of the Hero” meeting to share how we had grown by engaging in the program.

I want to share what I heard, and I want to invite you to join me next year for The Climb.

Impact of The Climb

Everyone came away feeling like they had changed, upgraded, or transformed their relationship with something, such as risk, change, challenge, tension, boundaries, food/diet, comfort, their spouse or family members, courage, others (generally), and most importantly, themselves.

All of these changes have been life-changing and life-elevating.

There were several people who said that they signed up to become a better leader, and while felt they did become better leaders, they felt that their growth was greater in their personal lives. They felt like new and better people.

Another theme was related to Susan’s role as a nutritionist. She taught all of us science-backed strategies for living healthy in both the short-term and long-term. For me, this was one of my biggest takeaways. I have completely changed my diet, and I feel better about my body and health than I have my entire adult life. And, my relationship with food has completely changed. For me, this has been transformative.

Finally, one of the core aspects of this program is the idea that we can get a lot of value out of doing a misogi, which is an experience that you intentionally take on that’s physically and emotionally challenging in an effort to achieve a greater sense of being. And, for everyone, hiking the 14er was a difficult experience that pushed us to our limits. And, we all commented on how we are better people because of it.

We are more confident in ourselves, in our ability to do difficult things, and in our ability to step into growth-promoting challenges in the future.

Join Us Next Year

We would love to have you join us next year. If this is something that you are interested in, shoot me an email, and will be happy to talk through the details.

While I can’t promise exactly what you will get out of it. I can promise that the program will help transformationally elevate yourself in some way. And, as a result, you will become a better, healthier, and more elevated version of yourself.

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