What do you do to keep your teeth healthy?
If you are at least the average person, you:
- Go to the dentist every six months for a deep clean
- Spend 5-10 minutes every day caring for your teeth (brushing, flossing, etc.)
Now, consider this… What is more important for your long-term success: your mindsets or your teeth?
Caring for Our Mindsets
The more I learn about mindsets, the more I have come to realize that caring for and improving our mindsets should not be too different than how we care about our teeth.
We live in a society that incentivizes having negative mindsets (e.g., society continually tells us how important it is to looking good, being right, avoiding problems, and getting ahead). Because of this, “plaque” builds up on our positive mindsets.
Without daily habits to clean our mindsets and a periodic deep clean, we are vulnerable to “cavities” in our mindsets. And, cavities in our mindsets with wreak havoc in our lives without us even realizing it.
Why Must We Care for Our Mindsets?
Caring for our mindsets is incredibly important, now more than ever.
This is for two primary reasons:
- Crises enhance the social pressure to develop unhealthy mindsets (more plaque build up occurs). Crises incentivize us to move into the negative mindset-fueled self-protection mode and away from the positive mindset-fueled organization-advance mode.
- Because we are living in an uncertain and rapidly changing environment, we need to be agile. Now, more than ever, we have to be willing to let go of the old mental models that have worked for us in the past, but are increasingly becoming less and less helpful. And, we need to be more willing to grab hold of new mental models.
Consider two restaurant owners. Who is going to be more successful: one who tries to operate how he/she has always operated or one who is able to let go of what has worked in the past and embrace new and innovative strategies?
Who is going to be more willing to be agile?
“Dentist” Recommendation
I have developed (or in the process of developing) two new programs designed to provide teams and people with the periodic mindset deep clean and regular cleanings.
For Individuals
For individuals, I am in the process of developing an online course called High Octane Mindsets. It is a seven-week course (2-3 hours per week) that is designed to help someone transform their mindsets to transform their lives. To put it into racing-lingo, it is designed to help people “shift gears,” “upgrade their engine,” and “soup themselves up.”
(Soup Up – v. Modifying to provide performance beyond the limits of how one was originally built)
This course is scheduled to be released at the end of the month. If you would like to be added to the list of being the first to go through the course at a discounted rate, click here:
I am interested in learning more about Ryan’s High Octane Mindset online course
For Teams
For teams, I have developed a workshop or series of workshops that I am calling a Leadership Team Mindset Cleanse.
Below I have pasted in image of a PDF I have created describing the program. You can also get that PDF by clicking here: Leadership Team Mindset Cleanse (PDF).
And, if you want to explore bringing me in to work with one or some of your teams, click here:
Connect with Ryan about doing a Leadership Team Mindset Cleanse
If you know anyone who is really struggling with their team, please share this information with them, or feel free to connect us.