Transforming Organizational Culture through Mindset Assessments: 3 Case Studies

When organizations aim to elevate their performance and culture, one of the most overlooked yet transformative areas to focus on is the quality of mindsets across the organization. As someone who works with organizations to help them gain clarity and take meaningful steps toward growth, I have found that assessing and improving mindsets can unlock […]

What is a Gritty Mindset? And How Do You Develop One?

Angela Duckworth popularized the term, “Grit,” in her best-selling book: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. In this book, she presents a compelling case for a couple of powerful main ideas: Grit is a mindset (not an ability) Grit matters more than talent. Naturally, a statement like this leads to two questions: What is […]

Inside Scoop: Why I Focus on Vertical Development

How to Fix Leadership Development Ryan Gottfredson TEDxColeParkStudio 1 18 screenshot

If I were to sum up what I do, it is this: I help leaders and people transformationally become better so that they can become more of their desired selves and have more of their desired impact on the world(primarily through a focus on vertical development and mindsets) If you have read The Elevated Leader, […]

What is a Growth Mindset

If you were to ask 100 people if they have a fixed or a growth mindset, how many people would say that they have a “fixed mindset?” Not very many, right?!? Yet, my research echoes Carol Dweck’s research, which suggests that half of all people are fixed-minded. In this article, I want to explain: What […]

The Intersection of Vertical Development and Mindsets

Over the last four years, I have been leveraging two different models when helping to elevate leaders and executives to operate a higher levels: My mindset framework, which I cover in my book, Success Mindsets My vertical development framework, which I cover in my book, The Elevated Leader Both of these frameworks help leaders and […]

How I Help: Leadership Development Programs

Of all of the things I do in my consulting practice, the thing that I do the most is support organizations’ leadership development programs. In fact, I do this in three different ways, ranging from lower involvement to higher involvement: Lowest involvement: I engage in a one-off keynote or workshop as part of a leadership […]

How I Help: Human Resources or L&D Teams

HR Manager talking to employees

Building on my focus of helping leaders and employees become better, vertically develop, and elevate their mindsets, I can help organizations in a variety of ways. In this article, want to share how I commonly work with Human Resource (HR) or Learning and Development (L&D) teams. Types of HR & L&D Teams that I Work […]

Want to Implement Vertical Development? A Guide for Organizations

employees sitting at the Desk

One day last week, I got the same question from two different potential clients: Where does an organization start if they want to integrate vertical development into their development efforts? I want to not only answer this questions, but provide additional layers to consider. Step #1 – Awareness In vertical development work, the starting spot […]

New Version of My Mindset Assessment Results

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I am excited to announce that I have a new version of my mindset assessment results. If you want to take the mindset assessment to see the new results you can do so here: Personal Mindset Assessment. The changes are small but, I believe, quite significant. In the past, I have used the labels of […]

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