How I Help: Leadership Development Programs

Of all of the things I do in my consulting practice, the thing that I do the most is support organizations’ leadership development programs. In fact, I do this in three different ways, ranging from lower involvement to higher involvement: Lowest involvement: I engage in a one-off keynote or workshop as part of a leadership […]

How I Help: Human Resources or L&D Teams

HR Manager talking to employees

Building on my focus of helping leaders and employees become better, vertically develop, and elevate their mindsets, I can help organizations in a variety of ways. In this article, want to share how I commonly work with Human Resource (HR) or Learning and Development (L&D) teams. Types of HR & L&D Teams that I Work […]

Want to Implement Vertical Development? A Guide for Organizations

employees sitting at the Desk

One day last week, I got the same question from two different potential clients: Where does an organization start if they want to integrate vertical development into their development efforts? I want to not only answer this questions, but provide additional layers to consider. Step #1 – Awareness In vertical development work, the starting spot […]

New Version of My Mindset Assessment Results

left and right arrows

I am excited to announce that I have a new version of my mindset assessment results. If you want to take the mindset assessment to see the new results you can do so here: Personal Mindset Assessment. The changes are small but, I believe, quite significant. In the past, I have used the labels of […]

The Value and Importance of Vertical Development

a mature businessman smiling in an office with his colleagues in the background

What I am going to present in this article is perhaps the clearest way to articulate (1) what vertical development is and (2) the value and importance of vertical development. To lay the foundation for these two points, we need to recognize that people have two sides to themselves. Two Sides of Ourselves We all […]

The Five Best Business/Leadership Books I Read in 2023

The Five Best Business/ Leadership Books I Read in 2023

For the past several years, to close out the year, I have identified the best books that I read throughout the year. And, I always get good feedback from doing so. So, I am back at it again. By the end of 2023, I will have read/listened to 85 books. I want to share the […]

What is Character? And How Do Leaders Develop It?

Last week, I presented an idea that we have two sides of ourselves: a DOING Side and a BEING Side. The DOING Side represents our talent, knowledge, skills, and abilities. The higher we are on the DOING Side, the more capable we will be at performing specific tasks that are aligned with our talents, knowledge, […]

You Have a DOING Side AND a BEING Side

Satya Nadella

What do these people have in common: Bobby Knight, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, Shia LaBeouf,  Naomi Campbell, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Gordon Ramsay, and Tiger Woods? These are all people that are immensely talented, but have operated in a manner that reveals that they are perceived as having a flawed character. This similarity exposes an […]

The True Quality of Our Mindsets Are Revealed During Times of Stress

After people take my FREE Personal Mindset Assessment, it is common for me to receive an email that says something along the lines of, “The assessment said that I have a fixed mindset, but I DO NOT have a fixed mindset.” Then, they often will give several examples about how they have taken on a […]

The Impact of Vertical Development on Organizations

Ryan Gottfredson Workshops

A few weeks ago, I surveyed my newsletter subscribers and asked them what they would like to see me write about. A common theme from the responses was that they wanted to learn more about my business and the impact that it is having on the leaders and organizations that I work with. So, over […]

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