Three Reasons Why You May Not Be Seeing Greater Success
Are you working your tail off to achieve certain goals or certain levels of success, but you do not feel like you are making any progress or that your efforts are not paying off? Do you feel like you are just spinning your wheels?
Get Out of Inertia and Enhance Your Trajectory
Most people develop habits and most organizations develop policies to keep the train moving along in inertia. But here is the problem: as the external world changes, and as our habits and policies stay in inertia, our inertia takes us on the course of “slow death.” Over time, our habits and policies fail to meet the demands of our external environment.
When I Read This… It Immediately Changed My Life
When I read this story, I was immediately changed. I was changed because I became awake to something that, until then, had been hidden in my subconscious.
Two Different Types of Change: Are You Allergic to Positive Change?
If we truly want to be extraordinary, we have got to seek out, embrace, and encourage positive change.
The Five-Step Process to Develop Positive Qualities
The difference between the qualities that you have and the qualities that you want to possess is in how you see your world or, in other words, your mindsets. Thus, if you want to develop certain qualities that you do not yet have, it is essential that you change your mindsets.
Unlocking Greater Success in Your Life, Work, & Leadership
What causes people to see the same thing or encounter the same situation and interpret so differently? The difference is one’s mindsets. The reality is that the lenses we use to view the world largely determines the success we have in our life, work, and leadership.
Unlocking Greater Success by Developing a Promotion Mindset
As much as having a prevention mindset is comfortable, when we have a prevention mindset, we are the passenger of our life, at best. When we have a promotion mindset, we are the driver of our lives.
Do You Have a Closed or an Open Mindset?
The reality is: The success of our life, work, and leadership is largely determined by the quality and accuracy of our decisions. And, the more we are open-minded and the more humble we are, the better we will be at making decisions.
Unlocking Greater Success by Developing an Open Mindset
Possessing an open mindset leads to better thinking, decision making, and problem solving; which in turn, leads to greater success in life, work, and leadership.
Unlocking Success in Your Career, Relationships, & Life: Do You Have the Key?
Those that do not believe that there is “one right career” out there for them, do not seek to “find their passion;” rather, they believe in the idea that they need to “discover their passion.”